There are a few reasons in which I chose to write about Infuse Bone Graft for my technology. Medical technology is well on its way to being able to do things to the human body that we never have imagined. If we take a look around we see people who are able to move around due to prosthetics and medical devices that give them and us the ability to live life comfortably. According to Alice Dreger author of the article entitled Metaphors of Morality in the Human Genome Project, she discussed a cartoon with James Watson being wrapped in an American flag. She stated, “The result was that, in this picture, not only was a “statesman of science” wrapped in the flag of the U.S., genetics and the genome literally formed part of the fabric of America.” That same thing that is happening in the genetics field is happening in the medical device field. More and more procedures are being developed everyday to enhance medical device surgeries to help the patients recover quickly and also to be able to eliminate any types of diseases that people have acquired in life. Infuse Bone Graft is one of the latest and most efficient ways of Bone Grafting surgery in the medical field, which is why I chose to write about it.
This magnificent and ingenious creation is what many people would like to say is close to playing God. Scientist have found a way to break down the elements of the bone growing process and figured out what proteins our bodies use to do so, then put it into putty form, and then developed a procedure to inject it into humans. At first one may not think this is extraordinary, but when you see that it grows back stronger then our own bone can it makes the mind wonder. If we can develop an element to regenerate stronger than bone, and it be healthy enough to put in our body we could eventually be unbreakable right? Maybe we are well on our way to being machine like. The pondering aspect of where this technology is headed is just one reason I chose to write about Infuse. The main reason I chose to write about it is because something has to be said about a product that has won the Prix Gallien award for two years in a row for biotechnologies. This product stands on a podium of its own, and there is nothing out there that can compete with it so far. It is products like Infuse that get nominated for the Prix Gallien Award that lead us to what our book Culture + Technology says about technologies that are leading us to the question of “At what point does someone become “more machine now than man” (p.169). More advancements are being made with better prosthetic limbs and better ways to transplant organs. Pretty soon when something almost seems as if it is going to hold you back from what is considered “normal” you are going to be treated for your condition and then come out of surgery with a advantage on life. At this rate plastic surgery will be on the out and medical technological advancements to our selves will be what we are paying for. Infuse Bone Graft is just the beginning of what medical device surgery is to become.
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ReplyDeleteI'm really afraid of the direction technology is going.It's obvious that some advancements help but the fact thats it's possible is a scary thought.My son is three now so I guess by time he turns twenty it will be mandatory to be to be more machine than man,because the body will soon be dependent on the technologies that are being invented."Playing God" a strong quote but understandable.Technology has become so advance that we are now able to see things that we could see,such as a baby before it is born with the 3d ultrsounds.The illness that were once thought of to be natural causes are now becoming treatable.What does this mean for the elderly?Do they stay alive suffering because we have the technology to do so? It just alot to think about when we think about the direction and at the rate technology is advancing, will there be a need for the human being within the next 50 years?
ReplyDeleteI know a cyborg personally. That cyborg is my mom. She has Type 2 Diabetes and has a device that sticks out from her abdomen which reads her blood sugar and provides the proper amount of insulin. Not only that, her "data" is then transfered to the internet where her doctor can access it and read it.
ReplyDeleteMedical technologies like that I think are interesting and helpful. There's eventually a line I draw though. That futuristic OR we saw in class one day was way over that line. Defining a perfect body is problematic to me. To be perfect, one must first be imperfect.
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