Thursday, April 14, 2011

DDT and ME?

     Well, it does not mean much to you at all, unless you live in another country for most of the summertime/insect time. DDT was BANNED in the United States in 1972. It is only made here, exported, and kept in storage in case of public health emergencies, such as an outbreak of Malaria. Not that it would matter in the long run because the insects would quickly build a resistance to it, and the environmental problems would happen all over again. Also, thousands would be dying from Malaria anyway, let it be known that DDT has NEVER stamped out the disease because of resistance the bugs built up. Countries that use DDT are those located in tropical climates most associated with insect spread diseases like Typhus or Malaria. Some of these places are Bolivia, Ethiopia, Thailand, and Nepal (which is not tropical, i admit,) In these countries, tons of DDT is sometimes still used, not just for outbreaks. Other countries have taken the plunge to get rid of using DDT like the U.S. like Mexico. Although, even after its abolition programs our neighbor is still having residual problems with the chemical.
     Anywho, I digress, now to talk about theory, yes. Well, it is all about humankind’s control over nature is it not? We do not want our soldiers and or workers dying because of easily manageable diseases (easy because we have DDT-like substances). And for the love of god we cannot have the prices of crops go up to ruin the day of Suzy Homemaker because of a boll weevil outbreak. It has been believed, for many centuries in this country, that man has dominion over nature (It is in the bible so it must be legit? Right? Click!). Whenever you read an old history textbook it mentions how the parading pilgrims brought civilization to the “wilds” of North America. There’s a type of binary language going on, lots of “primitives,” “savages,” “dark,” while the European influence on the wilderness is, “extracting potential,” “civility,” “light of god.” Back in the day no one really questioned this use of language because those that learned this might have learned it from their parents who possibly experienced, “Manifest Destiny” second hand from their grandparents.    
     Before we hurrah the end of DDT we must remember that DDT was just replaced by another man made chemical and it was called, Methoxo, and it too was banned in 2003. There are more safer alternatives to DDT coming along that are just as potent, but they are a long way off. Despite the current change in thinking, many still find that man's dominion over nature is important. Though, we must remember things like DDT just were not used for the perfect crop, but for the elimination of pest species that cause millions of deaths. The thought of dominion is tainted by the subjugation of native peoples and the effects of the industrial age on us all. But really, this technology is just an answer to preventing imperfection, imperfection in the forms of spotty apples and death. Technology is important to our culture because like Manifest Destiny its a sign linear progress. Progress to everyone being alive and eating tasty genetically modified pest free apples. But we must remember to be studious in watching what we develop in our arms race against Mother Nature.

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