"It all starts here, with a little ride, on little wheels, and big dreams..." Hawaii Chapter Bike Club
As I have stated in previous blogs, bicycles are a modern technology that are constantly developing, as they change and shape the society that we live in. The effects bicycles have on people are both as individuals and as mass groups through the world. Some of the ways that bicycles as a technology effect and change our lives is by impacting our environment, our financial and economic situations, our bodies through exercise, and even our social lives.
Although I am not a faithful advocate for the green movement in many areas of my life, I recognize the considerable part the bicycles play in the improvement of our environmental conditions. Biking as a means of transportation over cars, buses, or any other fuel burning transportation is much less harmful for the environment. Biking reduces pollution in our cities more than most people would imagine. At current, we are more likely to die from health risks associated with air pollution contributed by our vehicles than from vehicles accidents themselves. If even a small percent of car drivers began riding bikes regularly, emissions in our environment from automobiles would drop considerably, thus improving our health. However, with all technologies there is a considerable downfall. As companies (who support the green movement) encourage their employees to bike, they then have to shower and prepare for the work day when they arrive at the office. This costs the companies a considerable amount of money and reveals our dependency on the technologies in our society. As Rayna Rapp highlighted in her writings on the modern day sonograms, we become victims to the technologies we have developed. We as individuals become responsible for what we see (in the case of the sonogram article) or for the consequences of our technologies (the elements we encounter while biking).
Along with the environmental impact that bicycles have on our society, they also effect our financial and economical lives as well. Many Americans are beginning to bike to work, as well as many other places as well, and in doing so they save considerably in gas prices. Reports have shown that some will save $5,000 annually by biking instead of driving (http://money.blogs.time.com). Also, with the American economy in the condition that it is and with gas prices at an all time high, if more Americans rode bikes it would drive down the prices of gasoline. This change would impact our economy, thus improving life for all Americans.
Not only does biking impact our environment, our economy, and our wallets, but it also impacts our physique. Cycling as an exercise is especially helpful with people over 40 because of the low knee impact. Considering that many Americans are currently overweight, this is practical way that bicycles as a technology can truly shape our society.
Along with all of the impacts previously mentioned that bicycles contribute to our lives, they can also potentially effect our social lives as well. Many bicycling clubs have been established all over the nation. The clubs have a variety of purposes and effects in the lives of its members. Most clubs are by membership only and membership consists of planning and participating in several organized "rides" throughout the calendar year. Also, members communicate and share riding experiences with one another on a regular basis. Deep friendships are developed through the common passion for biking and social groups have stemmed from such interests. In fact, bikers are developing their own stereotypes in our society based upon the technology that they utilize. Similarly to Carol Stabile's "Shooting The Mother" article, the mother was lost within the world of technology as our identities often are when utilizing the technologies that have become so necessary in our lives.
Rayna rapp: Real-Time Fetus: The Role of the Sonogram in the Age of Monitored Reproduction
Van Dijick; Voyages in the Age of Endoscopy
Carol Stabile: Shooting The Mother
I never thought about how many advantages riding a bicycle had on the environment as well as the physical well being of the community.I don't ride bikes much because I'm kind of lazy, but now that I think about it it could really help me get back in shape like I have wanted to do.Having to drive around the city alot I use alot of gas and gas is extremely high now and its still rising.Riding a a bike just to work would save me alot of money weekly.Riding the bicycle also allows social interactions with whom ever you ride with.The pollution and obesity is an issue in America and personally I think a bicycle is one of the answers to those issues.